Colic: How To Identify, Treat And Prevent It

Colic: How To Identify, Treat And Prevent It

Worried your horse may be suffering from colic? Looking for the signs to confirm colic, and wondering what to do next? Colic is a common ailment in horses, and it can be mild through to severe, even life-threatening. So it’s important to know how to identify the condition, and what to do if your horse has colic.

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5 Signs Your Horse Has Poor Gut Health

5 Signs Your Horse Has Poor Gut Health

There are some simple things to look out for which can indicate a lack of good bacteria in the gut, and the impact this is having on your horse’s overall health. Here are five of the top signs that may mean your horse is having trouble with its gut and digestive system.

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The Hindgut - The Engine Of Your Horse

The Hindgut - The Engine Of Your Horse

The health of your car’s engine is critical for it to run efficiently and reliably. Similarly, the health of your horse’s hindgut or its engine plays an important role in your horse’s overall health and ability to run efficiently.

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Now is the Perfect Time to Get Your Horse's Gut Health Right!

Now is the Perfect Time to Get Your Horse's Gut Health Right!

Off season is the ideal time to focus on your horse's nutrition and diet, and start building a healthy gut for all around wellness. From a nutrition perspective, this period of reduced stress is a great opportunity to concentrate on feeding your horse to restore balance in their gut. 

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How To Feed Your Horse In A Drought

How To Feed Your Horse In A Drought

One of the most difficult things to find for your horse in a drought is forage. The problem is, forage is the most important, and therefore the least negotiable item in a horse’s diet. The horse's gut needs forage. Without it, the risk of gastric ulcers, colic, sand or dirt accumulation and other hindgut disturbances like dysbiosis (imbalance of the hindgut bacteria) is high!

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Feeding To Maintain Gut Health During Drought Conditions

Feeding To Maintain Gut Health During Drought Conditions

Gut health can greatly influence the overall health, performance and behaviour of your horse. There are some very simple changes to make in your horses' diet in drought conditions to make sure your horse maintains its gut health. We've listed them here.

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Horses Gut Health. What Is It & Why Is It So Important?

Horses Gut Health. What Is It & Why Is It So Important?

As a horse owner, you may see problems like anxious behaviour, girthiness, laminitis, poor performance, loose manure and weight challenges and accept them as ‘normal’ for your horses. But are they? And if they aren’t, what is causing them? 

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