Use of Poseidon's Equine range as a Veterinarian

Use of Poseidon's Equine range as a Veterinarian

I have found the range incredibly reliable, effective, and easy to use and have never experienced a negative outcome nor have I even experienced a neutral outcome.  Whenever I use Poseidon Products I see definite benefits over cases in which we haven’t incorporated the Poseidon range. 

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Avoid the top 3 winter problems for horse gut health

Avoid the top 3 winter problems for horse gut health

By Dr Nikita Stibbard, BVetSci/VetBio (Hons). If you are having issues relating to your horse's gut health and overall nutrition, Winter is when you will most likely see it most! Here are the three most common equine gut health related problems I see as an equine veterinarian during winter, and how to help your horse.

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How to feed to prevent Colic

How to feed to prevent Colic

Apart from being a word that strikes fear into the heart of every horse owner, colic is the term used to describe any abdominal pain seen in horses. It is non-specific, meaning that it can be related to the stomach, small intestine, hindgut or be unrelated to the gut altogether – as in the case of bladder stones (uroliths).

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Colic: How To Identify, Treat And Prevent It

Colic: How To Identify, Treat And Prevent It

Worried your horse may be suffering from colic? Looking for the signs to confirm colic, and wondering what to do next? Colic is a common ailment in horses, and it can be mild through to severe, even life-threatening. So it’s important to know how to identify the condition, and what to do if your horse has colic.

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