The Story of Poseidon Equine

The Story of Poseidon Equine

From experiencing some of life’s biggest challenges, Poseidon Equine's Founder, Linda Goldspink-Lord has seen her fair share of tragedy and triumph. 

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How to feed to prevent Colic

How to feed to prevent Colic

Apart from being a word that strikes fear into the heart of every horse owner, colic is the term used to describe any abdominal pain seen in horses. It is non-specific, meaning that it can be related to the stomach, small intestine, hindgut or be unrelated to the gut altogether – as in the case of bladder stones (uroliths).

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Q&A – Why Is the Digestive EQ feed rate ‘so high’?

Q&A – Why Is the Digestive EQ feed rate ‘so high’?

We sometimes get asked why the Digestive EQ feed rate is ‘so high’, and occasionally we see people choosing products because they have a lower feed rate. But that is a strategy potentially fraught with issues. So why is the Digestive EQ feed rate at the level it is?

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FAQs for our horse health range

FAQs for our horse health range

We really believe that knowledge is so important, so we have gathered all the information we can on the most commonly asked questions about our sup...

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How to help your foal have good gut health

How to help your foal have good gut health

Foals are born without any fibre-digesting bacteria in their gastrointestinal tracts, so they have to eat their Mum’s manure to get it. If the mare’s gut is healthy and populated by mostly ‘good’ bacteria then her manure will provide plenty of ‘good’ bacteria for her foal too. In turn this will populate the foal’s gut with ‘good’ bacteria and set it up for a lifetime of efficient fibre digesting. That’s the short answer, but let’s delve a little deeper…

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No More Winter Feeding Woes! Supporting your horse’s health in winter

No More Winter Feeding Woes! Supporting your horse’s health in winter

What’s the first thing you think of for your horse coming into winter? If you’d asked me this question a couple of years ago, my answer would have been something along the lines of… How many rugs will I need? How much fill should they have? What time should I take them off? Should I get my horse clipped? Should I be putting them in stables? But, did you ever think: should I be changing my horse’s diet? 

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Colic: How To Identify, Treat And Prevent It

Colic: How To Identify, Treat And Prevent It

Worried your horse may be suffering from colic? Looking for the signs to confirm colic, and wondering what to do next? Colic is a common ailment in horses, and it can be mild through to severe, even life-threatening. So it’s important to know how to identify the condition, and what to do if your horse has colic.

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5 Signs Your Horse Has Poor Gut Health

5 Signs Your Horse Has Poor Gut Health

There are some simple things to look out for which can indicate a lack of good bacteria in the gut, and the impact this is having on your horse’s overall health. Here are five of the top signs that may mean your horse is having trouble with its gut and digestive system.

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